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Redstone City

The Story and Progress So Far

What is Redstone City?

Redstone City was but still is a Minecraft world. It contains many mods and modifications to the textures of mods and the vanilla game.

It was built for fun and to really push the world building idea of failed past projects that ultimately were stopped mid-way production. This one is different.


At one point, Redstone City had a downtown, old town, a gated community neighborhood, several stores and infrastructure, along with a theme park.


Most structures were just cosmetic and didn't include an inside for a while. With some help, most buildings became filled and less "incomplete looking".


New buildings were made over about two years or so during free-time along with roads to connect them.


It was genuinely a good thing to create the city (meaning it was actually fun and exciting), and many things were done in each spare moment.


However, when computers broke, the world was no longer playable. Data was not lost, rather, the computer requirements to run the world no longer were in easy reach, so the world sat abandoned and unable to be opened.


From the end of year to almost half-way through another year the world was stuck in stasis.


However, something was tested...


The world was reopened using some very useful tricks and software, and the world reopened again.


Perhaps Redstone Studios won't be a lost project after all...?


The world may be finished one day. Until then, all that can be done is more work on it.



Currently the world is on hold, however it will be worked on again as soon as possible. Until then, progress will be protected.

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