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Project Structures

How Projects Are Structured Here

When creating some form of a project, what do you do first? Well, to start, projects are made for a particular audience. From there, a lot of layers are put on top. Here is the structure of Thingamajigs.


No pay wall

Supported by money

doesn't use other's ideas at all

Plenty of good & well made features

Professionally made

club button female

easy to abandon without significant loss

The closer the thing that must be done is to the center, or main idea, the more priority it gets over everything else in the outer circles.

This chart shows that Thingamajigs: works, has plenty of good & well made features, and that it has no pay wall, but, there isn't a team involved, so it isn't professionally made, and it uses other ideas from other mods. The worst qualities of the mod are that it isn't supported by money nor is it easy to abandon, because it is a brand new project that has some potential still. 1000+ downloads gives this mod some potential. If the number stops growing fast, the mod is failing, and the project can be abandoned, like Propamajoogles. If it steadily grows with each update, it is succeeding to some degree, and will keep getting updates.

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